... Baudrillard
Baumbach - Német - Rudolf Baumbach
Baxter - Új- Zéland - James Keir Baxter
Bazo - Spanyol - Javier Pérez Bazo
Báki - Török - Molláh Abdul-Báki
Becher - Német - Johannes Robert Becher
Beckett - Ír - Samuel Barclay Beckett
Bécquer - Spanyol - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Bellay - Francia - Joachim Du Bellay
Beniuc - Román - Mihai ...
... lehetséges lakhelyének tart. (Henry David Thoreau)

A kutyáknak uraik vannak, a macskáknak személyzetük.

A macska csupán technikai értelemben állat, egyébként egy istenség. (Robert Lynd)

Már a legkisebb macska is valóságos műalkotás. (Leonardo da Vinci)

...a sziámi olyan mint egy megvalósult álom bársonyban és selyemben. (Lumiere du Solei...
Bly, Robert: A nagy társadalom (The Great Society Magyar nyelven)

The Great Society (Angol)

Dentists continue to water their lawns even

in the rain:

Hands developed with terrible labor by apes

Hang from the sleeves of evangelists;

There are murdered kings in the light-bulbs

outside movie thea...
Bly, Robert: Meglep az este (Surprised by Evening Magyar nyelven)

Surprised by Evening (Angol)

There is unknown dust that is near us

Waves breaking on shores just over the hill

Trees full of birds that we have never seen

Nets drawn with dark fish.

The evening arrives; we look up and it is there...
Bly, Robert: Fulladásos álom (A Dream of Suffocation Magyar nyelven)

A Dream of Suffocation (Angol)

Accountants hover over the earth like helicopters,

Dropping bits of paper engraved with Hegel's name.

Badgers carry the papers on their fur

To their den, where the entire family dies in the night.


Robert Bly A menyét meg Henry James

A fekete orrú menyét, egérlesen, túltett
Fehérségben a hómosta mezőkön. Biztosan
Ugrott a hóban: vegyük el mi is, ami kell.

Egyetlen teáskanálnyi irigység elég volt, hogy
Nekimenjek Robert Lowellnek: egy nagykanálnyitól...
Bly, Robert: Régi deszkák (Old Boards Magyar nyelven)

Old Boards (Angol)


I love to see boards lying on the ground

in early spring:

The ground beneath them is wet--

Perhaps covered with chicken tracks--

And they are dry and eternal.


This is the wood one se...
Bly, Robert: Ébredés (Waking from Sleep Magyar nyelven)

Waking from Sleep (Angol)

Inside the veins there are navies setting forth,

Tiny explosions at the waterlines,

And seagulls weaving in the wind of the salty blood.

It is the morning. The country has slept the whole winter.

Window seats we...
Bly, Robert: Naplemente a tóparton (Sunset at a Lake Magyar nyelven)

Sunset at a Lake (Angol)

The sun is sinking. Here on the pre-haunted

bank, the mosquitoes fly around drowsily, and

moss stands out as if it wanted to speak. Calm

falls onto the lake, which now seems heavier and

inhospitable. Far out, rafts...
...-Bly, Robert: Virágokat nézek (Looking At Some Flowers Magyar nyelven

Looking At Some Flowers (Angol)

Light is around the petals and behind them:

Some petals are living on the other side of the light.

Like sunlight drifting onto the carpet

Where the casket stands, not knowing which world it is in.

And fu...
...-Bly, Robert: Vasjankó (részlet) (Iron John (detail) Magyar nyelven)

Iron John (detail) (Angol)

Chapter One

The Pillow and the Key

We talk a great deal about "the American man," as if there were some constant quality that remained stable over decades, or even within a single decade.

The men who live ...
Gizella Lapu................................ ............................. (#1) 2011-03-18 08:05:53

Robert Bly


Kora reggel úgy érzem, örökké élek!
Vidám húsom beburkol,
Mint zöld felhői a füvet.

Föltámadok ágyamból, hosszú utazásról
Álmodtam, kastélyokkal, meleg kandallókkal,
És a nap b...
Bly, Robert: Gyűlölet a feketehajúak iránt (Hatred of Men With Black Hair Magyar nyelven)

Hatred of Men With Black Hair (Angol)

I hear spokesmen praising Tshombe, and the Portuguese

In Angola. These are the men who skinned Little Crow!

We are all their sons, skulking

In back rooms, selling nails with trembling hands!|...
Ez történt - December 19.-én
... after the filming. Instead Barbara went on to play the supporting role of Ginger D'Amour, a 30's gangster-styled showgirl in the film noir "Party Girl" (1958) starring veteran MGM stars 'Robert Taylor' and Cyd Charisse.

In the meantime Barbara tried to keep on track with TV guest roles playing sexy foils in both crime drama ("Maverick," "77 Sunset Strip") and comedy ("T...
Külföldi versek országok szerint
... Potter Aiken
Baraka - Amerikai - Amiri Baraka- Valódi neve : LeRoi Jones
Berryman - Amerikai - John Allyn Berryman
Bishop - Amerikai - Elizabeth Bishop
Bly - Amerikai - Robert Bly
Castro - Amerikai - Michael Castro
Campbell - Amerikai - Joseph Campbell
Corso - Amerikai - Gregory Corso...
Cotter - Afro-Amerikai - Joseph Seamon Cotter|...
...-Bly, Robert: A Lac Qui Parle River felé vezetve (Driving toward the Lac Qui Parle River Magyar nyelven)

Driving toward the Lac Qui Parle River (Angol)


I am driving; it is dusk; Minnesota.

The stubble field catches the last growth of sun.

The soybeans are breathing on all sides.

Old men are sitting befo...
Ez történt - December 19.-én
... after the filming. Instead Barbara went on to play the supporting role of Ginger D'Amour, a 30's gangster-styled showgirl in the film noir "Party Girl" (1958) starring veteran MGM stars 'Robert Taylor' and Cyd Charisse.

In the meantime Barbara tried to keep on track with TV guest roles playing sexy foils in both crime drama ("Maverick," "77 Sunset Strip") and comedy ("T...
Bly, Robert: Augusztusi eső (részlet) (August Rain (detail) Magyar nyelven)

Robert Bly - August Rain (detail) (Angol)

The older we get the more we fail, but the more we fail the more we feel a part of the dead straw of the universe, the corner of a barn with cowdung twenty years old, the chair fallen back on its head in a deserted farmhouse, the belt...
Bly, Robert: Gyere, járjuk be (Come With Me Magyar nyelven)

Come With Me (Angol)

Come with me into those things that have

felt this despair for so long—

Those removed Chevrolet wheels that howl

with a terrible loneliness,

Lying on their backs in the cindery dirt, like

men drunk, and n...
Bly, Robert: Otthont a sötét fűben (A home in dark grass Magyar nyelven)

A home in dark grass (Angol)

In the deep fall, the body awakes,

And we find lions on the seashore—

Nothing to fear.

The wind rises, the water is born,

Spreading white tomb-clothes on a rocky shore,

Drawing us up
1 2 
Címkék: Rudolf Baumbach, James Keir Baxter, Javier Pérez Bazo, Molláh Abdul-Báki, Johannes Robert Becher, Samuel Barclay Beckett, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Joachim Du Bellay, Henry David Thoreau, Robert Lynd, Great Society Magyar, Great Society, Evening Magyar, Suffocation Magyar, Robert Bly, Henry James, Nekimenjek Robert Lowellnek, Boards Magyar, Sleep Magyar, Lake Magyar, Looking At Some Flowers Magyar, Looking At Some Flowers, Iron John, Chapter One, Gizella Lapu, VERS HÁROM RÉSZBEN, With Black Hair Magyar, With Black Hair, Little Crow, Instead Barbara, Ginger, Party Girl, Robert Taylor, Sunset Strip, Potter Aiken, Amiri Baraka- Valódi, LeRoi Jones, John Allyn Berryman, Elizabeth Bishop, Michael Castro, Joseph Campbell, Gregory Corso, Joseph Seamon Cotter, Parle River, Parle River Magyar, August Rain, Come With Me Magyar, Come With Me, kutyáknak uraik, macskáknak személyzetük, macska csupán, legkisebb macska, sziámi olyan, megvalósult álom, nagy társadalom, fekete orrú, hómosta mezőkön, great deal, single decade,
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